Sunday, May 15, 2016

Successful Event Marketing Tips

Keys To Successful Event Marketing

successful event marketing - get the word outWhen it comes to successful event marketing  you have a ton of stuff to think about. You have to consider your target audience. Who are the people you want to see at the event, and how the event is going to be marketed to the public? You must be certain your target audience will be reached by the marketing you put in place.  When it comes to marketing costs, if yours is a benefit event, bear in mind there may be some avenues of free advertising available to you. You of course want as many people to attend as possible.  That is why you need to evaluate your marketing strategy from as many possible existing points of view and social groupings in the target community as possible.
The biggest deal when it comes to marketing an event successfully, is to get the word out. Start by posting flyers, hustling some radio coverage and doing things to generate word of mouth. Whether people love or hate your advertising campaign, if you can get them talking about it, your ad is working for you. Much of the time, a press release in the local paper, along with some flyers and a few radio spots will get the job done. You can get most of the publicity free if the event is for a non-profit organization.

The Growing Role Of Social Media in Successful Event Marketing

Social media has become mega important to the success of any type of marketing and successful event marketing is no different.  These tips were offered in a recent  Search Engine Journal post focusing on for-profit business events:
Utilize all your social media channels. Your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest followers ‘follow’ you for a reason. The good thing about these social media channels is they followed you voluntarily (just like your email list). so take advantage of that. Communicate with them, and let them know that you want them to be a part of what you are currently doing.
Another important factor in successful event marketing is getting the right people involved. If you can get a local celebrity to help back the benefit or show up at the event, then you are more likely to get a good turn out. See if you can arrange to have an athlete that plays for a local major league team, a political figure, a local television celebrity, or anyone who has a strong following in the community

Event Marketing Cost Sharing

If you are not a non-profit and are in the position of having to foot the bill for your event promotion, consider partnering with another entity  to help sponsor the event.  The same article from the Search Engine Journal offered this:
Be on the look out for possible event sponsors to cut costs and to widen your network reach. If a well-known, reputable brand wants to partner with you, explore that partnership because it may infuse a considerable amount of money to your budget. Also, have them promote the event to their own target audience, utilizing their own networks. That comes in with the partnership deal, so you win free event promotions as well.
You don't want to lose control of your event of course but if you partner carefully it can certainly be a boon to your event.
You want to market your event to make it look like an exciting party. If a TV commercial is in your budget explain what your event is all about and what the event's goal is. If you have some good footage of a previous year's event showing people having a good time at the event use it in your ad.  People will always spend money to have a good time so the more attractive your event promotions look the better the turnout you will have.
As always, don't forget to use a pattern interrupt to get their attention to start with!
Originally Published Here: Successful Event Marketing Tips

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